7 Cats With Orange Eyes: Complete Detail

While it’s true that we all adore cats, we each have our preferred qualities. Many like cats with black fur, while others like long fur. You may be a fan of cats with orange eyes and ask what breeds have these stunning eyes.

 While orange-eyed cats are not familiar, many lovely breeds do have them. While cats with orange eyes are uncommon, it is present in breeds like the Turkish Van, Devon Rex, and Maine Coon. If you love cats with orange eyes, read this article to find precisely which cat breeds to look out for.

Is It Common For Cats To Have Orange Eyes?

Cats rarely have eyes of any other color besides brown. The lack or low concentration of melanin in a cat’s eye pigmentation gives cats their distinct light-colored eyes. There is a chance that a cat will have orange eyes if it has a heavy amount of the pigment melanin in its eyes.

The iris of a cat is made up of cells that produce melanin and are known as melanocytes. The darker the color of the cat’s eyes becomes in direct proportion to the number of melanocytes found in them. In cats, Amber or orange is a dark color, but yellow or gold is a light color.

1. Turkish Van

The Middle Eastern breed called the Turkish Van is said to have its roots in Turkey. These cats have broad chests, thick frames, and strong legs. They are well-built and have medium-length hair. They often have colored head and tail patterns that lend them a unique and distinctive design.

Regarding the breed standard, various eye colors are possible; some cats may even have several eye colors. The only cat breed having amber or orange-colored eyes are most popular is the Turkish Van. The Turkish Van is a unique, clever creature with a waterproof coat that makes great swimmers.

Cats With Orange Eyes

2. Devon Rex

The eyes of a Devon Rex are pretty wide set, making them very stunning and unique to many people. While these cats are most often seen with blue or aqua eyes, Devon Rex has orange eyes. Even while not all Devon Rex has orange eyes, you can notice those who are because of their incredibly huge, round eyes, which seem even more significant when coupled with their reasonably petite faces.

3. British Shorthair

Some unique cats with orange eyes can be seen in the British Shorthair breed. The orange color is even more visible due to their big, wide eyes. The wars caused havoc on this native to Great Britain breed. Few cats withstood the war’s damage, and many died. The scenario was so awful that the breed nearly perished.

 However, the breed lasted and was restored with the aid of other breeds. The British Shorthair is a quiet and laid-back cat. Like other cats, they love company, yet they don’t always need to be the focus of it. They enjoy sitting close to you on the sofa but dislike being moved around. They are rather lively, becoming less lively as they age and become livelier as kittens.

4. American Bombay Cat

American Bombay cats are recognized by their rich black coat and slim frames. It’s said that these lovely cats resemble small black panthers. American Bombay Cats are not regarded as orange-eyed since their eyes will often look yellow. Yet, their lovely orange-colored eyes are enhanced by their completely black fur.

 Bombay cats come in two varieties: British and American. American Bombay cats can be outlined from British Bombay cats by getting green eyes compared to the latter’s orange color. This cute breed is open and kind and can fit into many different lives. Both children and other pets get along well with these cats.

5. Japanese Bobtail

The medium-sized Japanese Bobtail cat has a distinct structure and a lean body. These felines are known as Japan’s lucky cats. We’ve all seen a range of ceramic cats with elevated paws beckoning in houses and businesses as a sign of luck. That cat is a Japanese Bobtail by custom. The nose and cheekbones of this cat are long.

 For at least 1,000 Years, Japanese Bobtails have been shown in art. These felines are often intelligent and lively. The Japanese Bobtail’s eyes are enormous, yet they are somewhat oval than round. The breed standard permits eyes of any color, even orange. It is often bi- or tri-colored and, as its name suggests, has a short, bunny-like tail.

6. Maine Coon

The most well-known cat breeds that can have orange eyes are Maine Coons. This is not especially shocking. They are lovely to gaze at due to their fantastic nature. They have big paws and long flowing fur and belong to giant cat breeds worldwide.

 The Maine Coon has a fun personality and is lovely to look at. They are pretty needless but also quite intelligent, lively, fun, and kid-friendly. While not actual lap cats, they love being with their people and are eager to be petted and cuddled.

The Maine Coon, as its names imply, was once raised as a mouser and native of Maine. The best part: It serves as Maine’s official state cat. Yet today, the breed is present worldwide. The Cat Fanciers Association has certified the breed as official since 1908.

7. American Wirehair

Orange eyes are a defining trait of the happy and loving breed known as the American Wirehair. The breed standards officially declare this cat’s large, rounded, vibrant orange eyes. Breed standards allow any color as long as the pet’s eyes fit the color of its coat. American Wirehairs can have green or blue eyes in contrast to orange eyes.

Lastly, American Wirehairs are known to have fur that looks wiry, which is how they got their name. They are medium-sized, yet they’re heavier than they seem, given their vast muscles and bones. This breed likes its owners and often follows them everywhere.


There is no mistaking the charm of cats with orange eyes. As a recessive feature from their parent breeds or as a breed standard, cats can be born with orange eyes. Although rare, many cat breeds may have orange or amber eyes.

An orange-eyed cat’s eye is that color due to a high melanin level. Cats with orange eyes are just as lovely as cats with more common eye hues but are less rare. The same level of love and care should be given to these cat breeds as is suitable.

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